Wednesday, December 12, 2012

what is it...

natural magic// the sacred, mystical, and ineffable workings of the natural world.

the reality of which we are apart is so much more vast and expansive than our limited senses might indicate. there are forces//energies//vibrations//frequencies constantly moving through and about us, engaging us if only we are open.

beyond the physical dimensions, lies the realm of possibility...the ever expansive ether from which the building blocks of all form are born...forged and shaped by the beliefs of our conscious minds, together, we creatively shape our physical world. given the nature of this creative process, it is the intent of this blog to share ideas and images that hint to this sacred realm, this field of infinite potential, with as many fellow earth-bound travelers as changing the beliefs in our conscious minds, we can remake the world.

this is what i believe in. and this is the story of how i am continuously finding my way down this narrow and winding path. and how i am still a normal human being with a normal and active ego, who is guilty of vanity and materialism but won't stay distracted this way for long. my eyes are on the beyond, and i believe it is my life's work to point to it with all that i am and all that i do. that is why the natural magics was born.

this is a space for discovery, for creative self-expression, for mystical accounts and encounters, signs and symbols, patterns, color and geometry...experimenting with the ancient traditions and sacred rites of our past,  for sharing my experiences and lessons, for unearthing the esoteric tools of our liberation, for creating a new story for humanity. where energy = love = awareness = light = wisdom = beauty = truth = purity.

 we are the shamans of the technological age and aesthetics are our revolution.

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