Sunday, December 16, 2012


freehand type on a vintage painting.

inspired by ram dass. one of the books you simply must own a physical copy of is Be Here Now

Saturday, December 15, 2012

visionary art//the work of lakandiwa

art is humanity's greatest tool. the creation of images is one of the most effective ways of communicating to other thinking minds. most humans think in pictures...images penetrate, symbols sink in and resonate in us in ways we do not understand. especially in the realm of the mystical, the spiritual, the ineffable, artistic images of experiences by first-hand witnesses is one of the most important ways for us to catalog that which happens to us...

with that in mind, dig the work of an especially talented and enlightened being i stumbled upon recently. lakandiwa's work totally floored me when i first gazed up machina humanitas (pictured above). i was instantly captivated by the naturally etheric quality of these images...

i cannot get over this mandala, it is so beckoning. it literally pulls me into a trance anytime my eyes try to coyly pass over it. there really aren't that the words for how it makes me feel but i would certainly recommend using it as a visual focus during meditation if your mind is especially visuals driven as mine is...very powerful and i swear, it demands you focus on it if you even slightly intend to so, yeah, enjoy.  

and after your trip, keep the vibrations washing over you by feeling some gratitude for the artist, or better yet go leave some love on his deviantART page. spread your gratitude, love, joy, the positive vibes, anything that raises your frequency...if you know how the snowball effect works, believe me when i say it is easiest when you're on that positivity trip. we live in a holographic universe and you have agency in it. you are constantly contributing to what happens next in your story through the vibration your being is literally emitting with your thoughts and emotions. be mindful of what you are creating, repeated behaviors, thought patterns, feeling something over and over again, all of these things rewire your brain. but they beautiful part is you have the opportunity every moment to choose what you pay mind to. meaning, every minute of every day is a chance to change your life. but you must choose it, no one else can do this for you. acknowledging your personal power is essential before feeling it...sorry, not sorry, this is just how it works. 

okay, i'm done. go check out the rest of his gallery. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

in which i am entirely honest...

i have to say, i am not really sure how this whole project is going to pan out...but one of the most important lessons i've learned in the past few years is that the "how" of things is truly none of my concern. so instead of trying to think through how i can be the most successful at what i am wanting to do here, i am just going to trust that its already figured out and be as honest and genuine as i can, trusting the right doors and windows will show themselves when open. and that the right eyes will find this space and be transformed by it.

basically, i intend to share my life and interests here...sometimes i will do that through words, writing to you as if you are my best friend and i will literally burst if i don't tell you what all i have recently learned and experienced. or i'll share the thoughts and writings of those who have gone before, the well known and the obscure...i have a lot of heroes and many dead folks have been consulted in my growth, i want to share my love affairs with these minds of our past with you.

other times, i will communicate through images. i am in the process of developing my own creative voice as a visual artist and this will definitely be a springboard for that journey. art pretty much comprises the whole of my soul's diet and creativity is what i live for. writing, drawing, painting, dancing, singing and the making of music, storytelling, literature, cinema...these are the mediums through which we share the divine with one another. i recently watched a wonderful TEDTalk video featuring elizabeth gilbert, in which she discusses ancient opinions about creativity and where it comes from in contrast with the more modern attitude that has seemingly destined the now common experience of mental instability as a result of being a creator in life. its absolutely wonderful and i definitely suggest watching it, but my favorite tidbit from her talk was when she spoke of the matadors of spain and how when they would do something especially fantastic, the crowd would shout "ole! ole! ole!" which was a word adapted from the arabic "allah"...meaning, they were shouting "god! god! god! god is here!" that really resonated with me, and i feel like its our job to bring god to the world of form by expressing ourselves creatively.

i really want to share the path i've traversed in order to be where i am today. i've existed on some extreme ends of the spectrum in the realm of the mind, the body and the spirit and as a result i have come to the conclusion that every single person on the planet is in complete control of who they are and who they become. personal power is one of the most important elements of this unexplainable reality of which we are apart and hardly anyone has fully realized the implications. i feel i have achieved an incredibly deep understanding of this truth and it is my responsibility to share what i have learned with others...especially women.

which brings me to probably one of my biggest passions...redefining the ideal woman for the new earth. if that doesn't make any sense to you, please...stay with me. no matter how weird shit gets here. i am a woman who believes that only you can save yourself, that the only way to receive the love of another is to love yourself wholly and completely first, that attachment to those who give you love isn't serving you, and how attachment to the material is down right killing your creative spirit, your divine essence, your mental faculties, and your relationships. fear is our greatest enemy and its also a completely curable phenomenon.

i feel like courage is the cornerstone for the all of the great virtues missing from our culture. that our cowardice has run us as a society into a convenient and comfortable grave. our desire to be secure has led us to sacrifice everything that is inherently valuable to our humanity. i am not at all happy about this trade our society has made and i am living my life in utter rebellion of these decisions made for me before i was born. i am working every day towards creating the life that i want. i am creatively contributing to my own reality every second by the thoughts i focus on and the emotions i allow to arise within me...everything is connected.  and i want to help others understand these truths.

by the way, my name is jennifer. comments are always welcome and appreciated, no matter what you have to say. light and love to all of my fellow travelers. wherever your path leads you, know you are never alone.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

what is it...

natural magic// the sacred, mystical, and ineffable workings of the natural world.

the reality of which we are apart is so much more vast and expansive than our limited senses might indicate. there are forces//energies//vibrations//frequencies constantly moving through and about us, engaging us if only we are open.

beyond the physical dimensions, lies the realm of possibility...the ever expansive ether from which the building blocks of all form are born...forged and shaped by the beliefs of our conscious minds, together, we creatively shape our physical world. given the nature of this creative process, it is the intent of this blog to share ideas and images that hint to this sacred realm, this field of infinite potential, with as many fellow earth-bound travelers as changing the beliefs in our conscious minds, we can remake the world.

this is what i believe in. and this is the story of how i am continuously finding my way down this narrow and winding path. and how i am still a normal human being with a normal and active ego, who is guilty of vanity and materialism but won't stay distracted this way for long. my eyes are on the beyond, and i believe it is my life's work to point to it with all that i am and all that i do. that is why the natural magics was born.

this is a space for discovery, for creative self-expression, for mystical accounts and encounters, signs and symbols, patterns, color and geometry...experimenting with the ancient traditions and sacred rites of our past,  for sharing my experiences and lessons, for unearthing the esoteric tools of our liberation, for creating a new story for humanity. where energy = love = awareness = light = wisdom = beauty = truth = purity.

 we are the shamans of the technological age and aesthetics are our revolution.